In the second half of 2022, a series of plans under China’s “1+N” policy roadmap for decarbonization were published. These include a plan calling for science and technology breakthroughs to support decarbonization and sectoral plans to reduce carbon emissions from the building materials, non-ferrous metals, IT, and energy sectors, respectively.
Summary:The Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA), which came into force on June 1, strengthens current US prohibitions by introducing a “rebuttable assumption” that any goods mined, produced, or manufactured in Xinjiang were produced with forced labor and so are prohibited - unless the importer can provide clear evidence otherwise, which is challenging in practice.
Summary: In Q4, the State Council released a top level decarbonization policy framework and action plan, setting targets and directions for industries and localities to carry out decarbonization work.
在中国的双碳目标背景下,为了更好地追踪中国脱碳政策的发展脉络,智云图推出All Eye on Carbon 简报,汇总每个季度内发布的脱碳政策。今年第三季度的脱碳努力包含中央成立碳排放统计核算、能源局建立可再生能源建设项目按月调度机制,以及工信部发布超过200个碳达峰相关行业标准。同时,受国家发改委发布的2021年上半年能耗双控未达成目标警告的影响,约有一半省份采取拉闸限电等严厉措施削减能源消费,
共同战疫 有鉴于中国的关注重心正在从疫情防控过渡到复工复产,智云图针对国内的最新形势、政策进行了梳理,并就复苏之路的外部环境和企业面临的机遇等提供了初步分析。这是针对新冠疫情,智云图发布的第4份报告,供您决策参考,欢迎指正。1.The Situation Now and Government Responding MeasuresAs the first country to be engulf
Summary: The Chinese government’s efforts to decarbonize industry continue apace in 2022. After the Two Sessions, the State Council assigned directives for decarbonization work this year to ministries