• All Eyes on Carbon Vol.4 December 2022

    All Eyes on Carbon Vol.4 December 2022

    In the second half of 2022, a series of plans under China’s “1+N” policy roadmap for decarbonization were published. These include a plan calling for science and technology breakthroughs to support decarbonization and sectoral plans to reduce carbon emissions from the building materials, non-ferrous metals, IT, and energy sectors, respectively.

  • Corp. ESG Communication: PR Storytelling

    Corp. ESG Communication: PR Storytelling


  • Safety First for Reputation in the “VUCA” Era

    Safety First for Reputation in the “VUCA” Era


  • Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act

    Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act

    Summary:The Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA), which came into force on June 1, strengthens current US prohibitions by introducing a “rebuttable assumption” that any goods mined, produced, or

  • Strategic Communication in the Cloud Era

    Strategic Communication in the Cloud Era


  • All Eyes on Carbon Vol.3 December 2021

    All Eyes on Carbon Vol.3 December 2021

    Summary: In Q4, the State Council released a top level decarbonization policy framework and action plan, setting targets and directions for industries and localities to carry out decarbonization work.

  • All Eyes on Carbon Vol.2 October 2021

    All Eyes on Carbon Vol.2 October 2021

    在中国的双碳目标背景下,为了更好地追踪中国脱碳政策的发展脉络,智云图推出All Eye on Carbon 简报,汇总每个季度内发布的脱碳政策。今年第三季度的脱碳努力包含中央成立碳排放统计核算、能源局建立可再生能源建设项目按月调度机制,以及工信部发布超过200个碳达峰相关行业标准。同时,受国家发改委发布的2021年上半年能耗双控未达成目标警告的影响,约有一半省份采取拉闸限电等严厉措施削减能源消费,

  • Social Media Influencers Aid Traditional Enterprises

    Social Media Influencers Aid Traditional Enterprises

    编者荐语:“网红”经济大行其道,在“网红”概念下,传统企业如何根据自身特色制定公关策略,其公关工作又有哪些重点和难点?近日在公关协会举办的品质沙龙上,针对这些话题,北京智云图咨询有限公司总经理姜晓峰先生等四位嘉宾发表了专业意见,在精彩、热烈的探讨中为传统企业的品牌营销带来破局新思维。原文刊登于《国际公关》2021年7月刊,作者郭佳。2019年, 集美貌、才华于一身的papi酱因为趣味短视频爆火,一

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